Mr. Edd’s Weekend in Glasgow

As you all know, I’m studying nearly as hard as all of you to achieve my personal learning goals. Part of my studying means that from time to time I have to visit the Scottish city of Glasgow to meet inspiring people, talk about my learning journey and take part it lots and lots of lectures, classes and debates.

Keep an eye on the blog over the weekend for updates about my trip 🙂 I’m sure you’ll all have a blast with Ms. Ruby!


Hi everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Friday. Well done to everyone who received an award for their efforts. 

I had a long but good flight to Glasgow and then got straight down to work. First I had to give a lecture to of lots of interesting people about different ways to reflect on educational research 🙂 

On Saturday my day was packed with exciting but very challenging work in groups with people who work in many different areas of education, there are people who work in universities, head teachers, primary and secondary schoolteachers from all over the world as well as educational researchers. 

On Sunday I was been equally busy presenting my ideas and having plenty of meetings and discussions about all that it is to be a teacher.

Three things I’ll be taking away:

1. Glasgow is a beautiful city with a long history of adding to educational research (its the 4th oldest university in the world!)

2.meeting with other educators from all over the world to discuss and build on ideas has been really useful in helping me on my quest to being the best I can be and bring about the best for the people I teach.

3.My brain aches! 

See you all on Tuesday!Â